Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The roof is on fire...

So I proposed to my boss that I do a little project on the real world operations training that the fire department does once a year at the end of an 18 week training program for new firefighters as they approach graduation this week because I was getting sick of shooting meetings and press conferences. My boss ok'd it, and I'm shooting tonight when another photographer from my paper, but a different bureau shows up. Supposedly, he had planned to shoot this since May, and had informed my boss so that no one else would be assigned it. I guess he was confused as to why I was there, and why my boss ok'd it if someone else was doing it. No biggie, and I'd still be shooting it for my own sake...It just sucks that there is this lack of communication.

I just couldn't help it...firefighters just look a lot hotter silhouetted...

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